Browse Books in History

Raw Life
Cameos of 1890s Justice from a Magistrate's Bench Book

Rails Across the Prairies
The Railway Heritage of Canada’s Prairie Provinces

Whatever Happened to Mary Janeway?
A Home Child Story

Sun, Sex and Socialism
Cuba in the German Imaginary

Author, Reader, Book
Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice

Canadians and the Natural Environment to the Twenty-First Century

Letters from a Lady Rancher

People of the Buffalo
How the Plains Indians Lived

Snowmobile Adventures
The Incredible Canadian Success from Bombardier to the Villeneuves

Roberta Bondar
The Exceptional Achievements of Canada's first Woman Astronaut

Sailing to Babylon - Poems
The Acts of Alexander III King of Scots 1249 -1286
Regesta Regum Scottorum Vol 4 Part 1

Stephen Leacock's Mariposa
One Hundred Years of Sunshine, a Walking Tour of Orillia

Recalling the Buffalo
The Martin S. Garretson Collection

Lighthouses of New Brunswick
Past and Present

Adventurers Of The Far North

On Common Ground
The Ongoing Story of the Commons in Niagara-on-the-Lake

The Glittering Mountains of Canada
A Record of Exploration and Pioneer Ascents in the Canadian Rockies, 1914-1924

The Colonization of Mi'kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928
The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy

Fractured Homeland
Federal Recognition and Algonquin Identity in Ontario

Indonesia Journal
April 2012

Labour Goes to War
The CIO and the Construction of a New Social Order, 1939-45

The Jack Hickey Story

My Life for the Book
The Memoirs of a Russian Publisher