Browse Books in History

The Guardianship of Best Interests
Institutional Care for the Children of the Poor in Halifax, 1850-1960

Writing the History of the Global
Challenges for the Twenty-First Century

Milestones on a Golden Road
Writing for Chinese Socialism, 1945-80

Mary's Mother
Saint Anne in Late Medieval Europe

Race and Rights
Fighting Slavery and Prejudice in the Old Northwest, 1830-1870

Indonesia Journal
October 2012

W L Mackenzie King Volume I, 1874-1923
A Political Biography: Kingsmere Edition

New Perspectives on Canada in the Second World War

Travels and Tales of Miriam Green Ellis
Pioneer Journalist of the Canadian West

Caribou Skin Clothing of the Igloolik Inuit

Marjorie Too Afraid to Cry
A Home Child Experience

Canada's Constitutional Revolution

The face of the city
Civic portraiture and civic identity in early modern England

Reel Time
Movie Exhibitors and Movie Audiences in Prairie Canada, 1896 to 1986

Stikeman Elliott
New Millennium, New Paradigms Volume 2

Mysterious Alberta
Myths, Murders, Mysteriese and Legends

Bennewitz, Goethe, 'Faust'
German and Intercultural Stagings

History Wars and the Classroom
Global Perspectives

Sonoma Wine & The Buena Vista Story

Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada
Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues

The Transformations of Magic
Illicit Learned Magic in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance

Making Medicare
New Perspectives on the History of Medicare in Canada

The Domestic Space Reader

The Unfolding of Words
Commentary in the Age of Erasmus