Browse Books in History

Scoundrels and Saloons
Whisky Wars of the Pacific Northwest 1840-1917

Debating Dissent
Canada and the 1960s

The Raven, the Dove, and the Owl of Minerva
The Creation of Humankind in Athens and Jerusalem

In The Field

Hunger, Horses, and Government Men
Criminal Law on the Aboriginal Plains, 1870-1905

Arming and Disarming
A History of Gun Control in Canada

Merry Laughter and Angry Curses
The Shanghai Tabloid Press, 1897-1911

Arming and Disarming
A History of Gun Control in Canada

Disaster at Dieppe
The biggest catastrophe in Canadian military history

Merry Laughter and Angry Curses
The Shanghai Tabloid Press, 1897-1911

Meteor I vs V1 Flying Bomb

1950s American Fashion

Great Canadian Poems for the Aged Vol 1 Illus. Ed.

Game Plan
A Social History of Sport in Alberta

Woodchips and Beans (new edition)
Life in the Early Lumber Woods of Nova Scotia
Ghost Road
and Other Forgotten Stories of Windsor
Land Law and People in Medieval Scotland

The Merger Delusion
How Swallowing Its Suburbs Made an Even Bigger Mess of Montreal

Scoundrels and Saloons
Whisky Wars of the Pacific Northwest 1840–1917

The Man Who Stayed Afloat

Walk With My Shadow
Northern Trader

Other Side of Midnight, The
Taxi Cab Stories

Maritime Murder
Deadly Crimes from the Buried Past