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Browse Books in History

Global Shift

Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1945-2007

by (author) Mike Mason

Nationalisme et protection sociale

by (author) Daniel Beland & André Lecours

Looking Into Providences

Designs and Trials in Paradise Lost

by (author) Raymond Waddington

Greetings from Canada

Postcards from Dutch Immigrants to the Old Country, 1884-1915

by (author) Jan Krijff & Karen Green

The Earth Remembers Everything

by (author) Adrienne Fitzpatrick

Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity

Japanese, Ukrainians, and Scots, 1919-1971

by (author) Aya Fujiwara

Discovering Imperialism

Social Democracy to World War I

edited and translated by Richard B. Day & Daniel F. Gaido

Slouching Towards Sirte

NATO's War on Libya and Africa

by (author) Maximilian Forte

Smoke Signals

The Native Takeback of North America's Tobacco Industry

by (author) Jim Poling

How Agriculture Made Canada

Farming in the Nineteenth Century

by (author) Peter A. Russell

Hijacking History

American Culture and the War on Terror

by (author) Liane Tanguay

Concrete Hell

Urban Warfare From Stalingrad to Iraq

by (author) Louis A. DiMarco


Forgotten Hero of the Viking Age

by (author) Russell Poole


by (author) Pierre Burton

Acadian Traditions on Candlemas Day

Candles, Pancakes and House Visits

by (author) Georges Arsenault

Gardens Aflame

Garry Oak Meadows of BC's South Coast

by (author) Maleea Acker

Manuel populaire de citoyenneté

une réponse au conservatisme canadien

edited by Sonya Roy

Cult of the Will

Nervousness and German Modernity

by (author) Michael Cowan

Sensational Victoria

Bright Lights, Red Lights, Murders, Ghosts & Gardens

by (author) Eve Lazarus

Edible Histories, Cultural Politics

Towards a Canadian Food History

by (author) Franca Iacovetta, Valerie J. Korinek & Marlene Epp

The Inconvenient Indian

A Curious Account of Native People in North America

by (author) Thomas King

The African Canadian Legal Odyssey

Historical Essays

by (author) Barrington Walker

Cultures, Communities, and Conflict

Histories of Canadian Universities and War

by (author) Paul Stortz & E. Lisa Panayotidis

Schooling in Transition

Readings in Canadian History of Education

by (author) Sara Z. Burke & Patrice Milewski

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