Browse Books in History

An Introduction to German Pietism
Protestant Renewal at the Dawn of Modern Europe

And Neither Have I Wings to Fly
Labelled and Locked Up in Canada's Oldest Institution

History of Montréal
The Story of Great North American City

The Last Viking
The Life of Roald Amundsen

The French Revolution in Global Perspective

Tales from the Back Bumper
A Century of BC Licence Plates

Islands of New Brunswick

Chaucer, Gower, and the Vernacular Rising
Poetry and the Problem of the Populace After 1381

Acadia University

Historic Saint John Streets

Arguments with the Lake

Singular Vision
The Founding of the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada 1908 to 1915

Home to the Nechako
The River and the Land

Frontier Cowboys and the Great Divide
Early Ranching in BC and Alberta

The History of Montréal
The Story of Great North American City

From Meteorite Impact to Constellation City
A Historical Geography of Greater Sudbury

Jeremiah Bancroft at Fort Beauséjour and Grand-Pré

The Constructed Mennonite
History, Memory, and the Second World War

In Defence of the Faith
Joaquim Marques de Araújo, a Comissário in the Age of Inquisitional Decline

Forever Bluenose pb

Another Country, Another Life
Calumny, Love, and the Secrets of Isaac Jelfs

Scugog Carrying Place
A Frontier Pathway

Entertaining Elephants
Animal Agency and the Business of the American Circus

Contesting the Moral High Ground
Popular Moralists in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain