Browse Books in History
Making and Remaking the Balkans
Nations and States since 1878
Nitinikiau Innusi
I Keep the Land Alive
AIDS, Fashion, and the Philanthropic Practices of MAC Cosmetics
The Windsor Border Region
A Castle in the Wilderness
The Story of the Banff Springs Hotel
Guide to Indigenous Artifacts of the Northeast
Guide for Weekend Prospectors
Easy Tests for Rocks and Minerals
The Nature of Canada
Nothing to Write Home About
British Family Correspondence and the Settler Colonial Everyday in British Columbia
Doing Politics Differently?
Women Premiers in Canada’s Provinces and Territories
Finding Fortune
Documenting and Imagining the Life of Rose Fortune
Toronto During the French Regime
A History of the Toronto Region From Brule to Simcoe, 1615-1793
The Inner Ring
The Early History of the National Research Council of Canada
Pioneers of Canadian Science / Les Pionniers de la science canadienne
Church and the State in Canada West, 1841-1867
The Anatomy of a Party
The National CCF 1932-61
When Trains Ruled the Rockies
My Life at the Banff Railway Station
Along the E&N
A Journey Back to the Historic Hotels of Vancouver Island
Oak Island and its Lost Treasure
Leo Tolstoy in Conversation with Four Peasant Sectarian Writers
The Complete Correspondence
British Entertainers in France
Canadian Bibliographies Canadiennes
Bibliography of Canadian Bibliographies / Bibliographie des Bibliographies Canadiennes