Browse Books in History

Eliza Hamilton
The Extraordinary Life and Times of the Wife of Alexander Hamilton

Let the People Speak
Oppression in a Time of Reconciliation

Early Modern Spectatorship
Interpreting English Culture, 1500-1780

By Snowshoe, Buckboard and Steamer
Women of the British Columbia Frontier

The Communist Movement at a Crossroads
Plenums of the Communist International's Executive Committee, 1922-1923

Don't Honk Twice

Pirates of the North Atlantic (New Ed)

Illustrated History of the Acadians of Prince Edward Island

Distant Impressions
The Senses in the Ancient Near East

Social Justice and Israel/Palestine
Foundational and Contemporary Debates

The 2002 Season at Tall al ‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies

Waterloo You Never Knew
Life on the Margins

In the Shadow of Vesuvius
A Cultural History of Naples

Agnes Ayre's ABCs of Amazing Women
Newfoundland & Labrador Women of Note (Some of Whom Won Us the Vote)

Teaching Britain
Elementary Teachers and the State of the Everyday, 1846-1906

Recasting History
How CBC Television Has Shaped Canada's Past

Voices from the Soviet Edge
Southern Migrants in Leningrad and Moscow

A Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions

Florentine Political Writings from Petrarch to Machiavelli
Battleship Bismarck
A Design and Operational History

Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »
Les marxistes-léninistes en Acadie

Song of a Nation
The Untold Story of Canada's National Anthem

Boom & Bust
The Resilient Women of Historic Telegraph Cove

The Science of Shakespeare
A New Look at the Playwright's Universe