Browse Books in History

Moments of Crisis
Religion and National Identity in Québec

Gold Rush Ghost Towns of Nova Scotia

Canada on the United Nations Security Council
A Small Power on a Large Stage

Always Remember Who You Are

The Peddlers
The Fuller Brush Man, the Lords of Liniment and Door to Door Heroes in Nova Scotia and Beypnd

The Remarkable, Untold Story of Frederick Walker "Casey" Baldwin: Gentleman, Genius, and Alexander Graham Bell’s Canadian Protegé

Stanley's Dream
The Medical Expedition to Easter Island

The Man Who Lived with a Giant
Stories from Johnny Neyelle, Dene Elder

Dallas '63
The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House

Scottish Arctic Whaling

The Kingdom of the Isles
Scotland's Western Seaboard c.1100-1336

Back to Blakeney
Revitalizing the Democratic State

Back to Blakeney
The Revitalization of the Democratic State

Israel, Diaspora, and the Routes of National Belonging, Second Edition

The Remarkable, Untold Story of Frederick Walker "Casey" Baldwin: Gentleman, Genius, and Alexander Graham Bell's Protégé

Toronto Trailblazers
Women in Canadian Publishing

The Metaphysical Society (1869-1880)
Intellectual Life in Mid-Victorian England

Rush to Danger
Medics in the Line of Fire

How French Canadians Shaped North America

Women's Writing in Canada

La Constitution canadienne

Unmooring the Komagata Maru
Charting Colonial Trajectories

Not Like Home
American Visitors to Britain in the 1950s

Driving to Treblinka
A Long Search for a Lost Father