Browse Books in History

The Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada

Les Juges en chef de la Cour suprême du Canada

Communal Solidarity
Immigration, Settlement, and Social Welfare in Winnipeg’s Jewish Community, 1882–1930

To Be Equals in Our Own Country
Women and the Vote in Quebec

"Without fear and with a manly heart"
The Great War Letters and Diaries of Private James Herbert Gibson


The War Guilt Problem and the Ligue des droits de l'homme, 1914-1944

Divorcing Traditions
Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism

The Selected Works of George R. Lindsey
Operational Research, Strategic Studies, and Canadian Defence in the Cold War

Collected Works of Erasmus
Controversies, Volume 75

A Canadian in the French Foreign Legion

The Killdevil Lodge Experience in Gros Morne National Park

Four Unruly Women
Stories of Incarceration and Resistance from Canada’s Most Notorious Prison

The Co-op Revolution
Vancouver's Search for Food Alternatives

One Hundred Years of Struggle
The History of Women and the Vote in Canada

Two Firsts
Bertha Wilson and Claire L’Heureux-Dubé at the Supreme Court of Canada

Spies of No Country
Behind Enemy Lines at the Birth of the Israeli Secret Service

Reflecting on Our Past and Embracing Our Future
A Senate Initiative for Canada

Iroquois in the West

Réfléchir sur notre passé pour aborder notre avenir
Une initiative du Sénat pour le Canada

The Stone Frigate
The Royal Military College's First Female Cadet Speaks Out

George Garrett
Intrepid Reporter

Being Chinese in Canada
The Struggle for Identity, Redress and Belonging

Dancing Queen
Marie de Médicis' Ballets at the Court of Henri IV