Browse Books in Diseases

Rus siwaalu utipaachimuwin chisaasiipiihch uhchiiu / Raas siwaalwaa utipaachimuwin, chisesiipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Rose Swallow de Chisasibi
The Story of Rose Swallow of Chisasibi

Chaak utir utipaachimuwin waaswaanipiihch uhchiiu / Chaak atar utipaachimuwin, waaswaanipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jack Otter de Waswanipi
The Story of Jack Otter of Waswanipi

Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin uchepukumuu uhchiiu / Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin, uchepukumuuiinuu / L'histoire d'Emily Wesley d'Oujé-Bougoumou
The Story of Emily Wesley of Oujé-Bougoumou

Chaanithin lintin utipaachimuwin mistisiniihch uhchiiu / Chaanathan lintan utipaachimuwin, mistisiniiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jonathan Linton de Mistissini
The Story of Jonathan Linton of Mistissini

Lyme Disease in Canada
The tick-borne epidemic you need to know about — now!

The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee
Stories of Diabetes and the James Bay Cree: Second Edition

Lyme Disease, Ticks and You
A Guide to Navigating Tick Bites, Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Borne Infections

The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee
Stories of Diabetes and the James Bay Cree

COVID Chronicles
A Comics Anthology

The Living Kitchen
Nourishing Whole-Food Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery

Bundle of Five Ojibwe/English Books from The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee

Natural Killer
A Memoir

30-Minute DASH Diet Cookbook
Fast and Easy Recipes to Lose Weight and Reverse High Blood Pressure

Nova Scotia and the Great Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1920
A Remembrance of the Dead and an Archive for the Living

Jack Otter Odibaajimowin imaa Waaswaanibiing
The Story of Jack Otter of Waswanipi

Emily Wesley Odibaajimowin imaa Ozhibogamong
The Story of Emily Wesley of Oujé-Bougoumou

Jennifer Gloria Lowpez Odibaajimowin imaa Waaswaanibiing
The Story of Jennifer Gloria Lowpez of Waswanipi

Jonathan Linton Odibaajimowin imaa Mistaasiniing
The Story of Jonathan Linton of Mistissini

Rose Swallow Odibaajimowin imaa Chisaasibiing
The Story of Rose Swallow of Chisasibi

Four Umbrellas
A Couple's Journey Into Young-Onset Alzheimer's

Social Palliation
Canadian Muslims' Storied Lives on Living and Dying

An Alphabet for Joanna
A Portrait of My Mother in 26 Fragments

The Manãna Treehouse

Complete Diabetes Guide
Advice for Managing Type 2 Diabetes