Browse Books in Canadian

Stacey Lancaster
The Trailer Series

2nd Site
Jennifer Murphy, Tony Romano, Colin Stark

Kevin Yates
My Ex-Girlfriend is a Slut

Mavourneen Trainor
Framing Nature
The Picturesque Tradition in Landscape

Spirit of the West
The Art of Don Brestler

Pitseolak: Pictures Out of My Life

Rita McKeough

Potlatch People
Indian Lives and Legends of British Columbia

Klee Wyck

Spirit of Powwow

Lawren Harris
An Introduction to His Life and Art

Magic off Main
The Art of Esther Warkov

Magic off Main
The Art of Esther Warkov

National Gallery of Canada
Ideas, Art, Architecture

The National Gallery of Canada
Ideas, Art, Architecture

Bill Reid
Stanley Royle
Artist and Teacher, 1935-1945
Conversing with the Elements
Work by Ghita Levin

Nell Tenhaaf
Fit/Unfit : Apte/Inapte : A Survey Exhibition/Un survol
The Institute
Or, What We Do for Love

Jeffery Burns

Gary Kibbins
Grammar Horses