Browse Books in Canadian
Contemporary Art in Kingston
Imagining the R.S. Williams Piano Factory: Murray Favro, alexander Graham, Ryan Legassicke, Carl Zimmerman
An Extraordinary Life
Isabel McLaughlin
Random Cities
Sarah Beveridge, Anela Hajdu, and Steven Laurie
Name Paintings
Gary Spearin
A.Y. Jackson
A Love for the Land
John Hammond
Irene Avaalaaqiaq
Myth and Reality
Stan Douglas: Every Building on 100 West Hastings
Facing History
Portraits from Vancouver
Inuit Art
An Introduction
Tom Thomson
An Introduction to His Life and Art
The Prints of Betty Goodwin
Shiva's Really Scary Gifts
Ancestral Portraits
The Colour of My People
Seven Journeys
Sketchbooks of Emily Carr
Industrial Strength
Two-way Mirrors/Images Into Exile
Grethe Lauesen and Peter Hiort Petersen
Allyson Clay
Imaginary Standard Distance
Jean-Marie Martin
Necessary Paintings
Reinhard Reitzenstein
Escarpment, Valley, Desert
Carl Beam
The Whale of Our Being