Browse Books in Canadian

Oliver Husain
Spoiler Alert

Diane Borsato

Sister and I from Victoria to London
From Victoria to London

Picturing the Land
Narrating Territories in Canadian Landscape Art, 1500-1950

Public Art in Canada
Critical Perspectives

Black Ice
David Blackwood: Prints of Newfoundland

Ken Lum

First in Canada
An Aboriginal Book of Days

Anthony Burnham
Even Space Does Not Repeat

Micah Lexier & Kelly Mark

Derek Sullivan
Albatross Omnibus

Brian Jungen
Bertrand Carrière
Après Strand
Ying Gao
Art, mode et technologie

Susan Dobson
Shifting Tenses

Stan Douglas
Napoléon Bourassa
La quête de l'idéal

Affirming Collaboration
Community and Humanist Activist Art in Quebec and Elsewhere
Célébrer la collaboration
Art communautaire et art activiste humaniste au Québec et ailleurs

Bow Lake
Wellspring of Art

Inuit Modern
Masterworks from the Samuel and Esther Sarick Collection
It Is What It Is
Recent Acquisitions of New Canadian Art

Tom Thomson

Attila Richard Lukacs and Michael Morris