Browse Books in Canadian
- Three Centuries of Public ART
Historic Halifax Regional Municiplity
Jerry Pethick
Works 1968 - 2003 From Collections on Hornby Island
Stephen Hutchings: Landscapes for the End of Time
Raymond Gervais
3 x 1
National Visions, National Blindness
Canadian Art and Identities in the 1920s
Dear Nan
Letters of Emily Carr, Nan Cheney, and Humphrey Toms
Figure Skating and the Arts
Eight Centuries of Sport and Inspiration
Shore, Forest and Beyond
Art from the Audain Collection
David Askevold
Once Upon a Time in the East
The Codex Canadensis and the Writings of Louis Nicolas
The Natural History of the New World, Histoire Naturelle des Indes Occidentales
Codex Canadensis and the Writings of Louis Nicolas
The Natural History of the New World, Histoire Naturelle des Indes Occidentales
Alex Wolfson and Boyana Stancic
And so, the animal looked back
A Treasury of Tom Thomson
Colville Tributes
Cultural Memories and Imagined Futures
The Art of Jane Ash Poitras
Defiant Spirits
The Modernist Revolution of the Group of Seven
Peng Ma
Abstract Ink Painting
Where the Tide Ends/Où la Marée Aboutit
Glitter and Gloom/Éclat et obscurité
The Sketchbooks of Herzl Kashetsky/Les cahiers de croquis de Herzl Kasetsky
Éliane Excoffier
Bilan 1996-2008
The Art and Imagination of Ruben Anton Komangapik
Steven Shearer
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Oliver Husain
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