Browse Books in Canadian
From Land and Sea
Nova Scotia Contemporary Landscape Artists
A.Y. Jackson
The Life of a Landscape Painter
Daniel Borins and Jennifer Marman
Project for a New American Century
Automatiste Revolution, The
Montreal 1941 - 1960
Atom Egoyan's 'The Adjuster'
Twenty Years of the Friends of the Owens
Moon Nibbler
The Art of Pat Strakowski
Spirit Matters
Ron (Gyo-zo) Spickett, Artist, Poet, Priest
Canada Counts
A Charles Pachter Counting Book
Heart of a Peacock, The
Nekt wikuhpon ehpit
Once there lived a woman: The Painting, Poetry and Politics of Shirley Bear/Il était une fois une femme : la peinture, la poésie et la politique de Shirley Bear
Concord of Sweet Sounds
Musical Instruments in Shakespeare
Where Genesis Begins
Within You Without You
Clearing a Path
New Ways of Seeing Traditional Indigenous Art
What's in a Frame?
Vancouver Anthology
Diane Landry
Les défibrillateurs = The Defibrillators
Letter Drop 3
Independent Spirit
Early Canadian Women Artists