Browse Books in Canadian
Canadian Paintings, Prints and Drawings
Daphne Odjig Miznibii'ganan
Eko-maajtaat Gaa-mzinbii'ngin
Les dessins et peintures de Daphne Odjig
Une exposition rétrospective
The Drawings and Paintings of Daphne Odjig
A Retrospective Exhibition
Joe Fafard
Tsimshian Treasures
The Remarkable Journey of the Dundas Collection
Marianna Schmidt
Images from the Neocerebellum
Alberta Art and Artists
An Overview
Denise Hawrysio
Situational Prints
F.H. Varley
Portraits into the Light/Mise en lumière des portraits
Vancouver Art & Economies
A Sketchbook
Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada
Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada
Art at Work/L'Art au Travail
Art Bank of the Canada Council of the Arts/ Le banque d'œuvres d'art du Conseil des Arts du Canada
Viktor Tinkl
Making Things
David Blatherwick
Cheese, Worms and the Holes in Everything
Vera Jacyk
Chysto, Chysto, Chysto
Janet Read
Ocean as Vessel
Beyond the Silhouette
Fashion and the Women of Historic Kingston
Mary Anne Barkhouse
Boreal Baroque
Fragile Nature
Brent Bukowski and Kathryn Ward
Mark Nisenholt
Stranger in Paradise
Lyla Rye
Hop Scotch