Porcupine's Quill
Books from this publisher

Never More Together
A Wordless Poem

Vittoria Colonna
Selections from the Rime Spirituali with Photographs of Josep Maria Subirachs? Passion Façade

Davy the Punk
A Story of Bookies, Toronto the Good, the Mob and My Dad

The Pigheaded Soul
Essays and Reviews on Poetry and Culture

Changing Channels
Confessions of a Canadian Communications Lawyer

The sea with no one in it

Slack Action

The Life and Times of Conrad Black
A Wordless Biography

Jack Chambers' Red and Green
Decrypted by Tom Smart

Love, and all that jazz

Loteria Jarocha
Linoleum Prints

The April Poems

The Emblems of James Reaney
Magnetically Drawn

Out of the Wood

High-Water Mark

The Essential Tom Marshall

Down in the Bottom of the Bottom of the Box

Wayworn Wooden Floors

My Life on Earth and Elsewhere

The Essential Robert Gibbs

The Mysterious Death of Tom Thomson

Words for Elephant Man

Brazilian Journal

Inward of Poetry
George Johnston and William Blissett in Letters

Dancing, with Mirrors

Surpassing Pleasure

Little Comrades

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Beasts of New York

The Essential Richard Outram

Fine Incisions
Essays on Poetry and Place