Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher
Remedies and the WTO Agreement

Canadian Politics and Government in the Charter Era

Fundamentals of Sensory Perception / Making Sense in Psychology Pack

The Television Reader
Critical Perspectives in Canadian and US Television Studies

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume 42

Ourselves and Others
Scotland 1832-1914

Step Up to Academic Reading

Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment
A Guide to Maximizing Brain Health and Reducing Risk of Dementia
The Acts of Alexander III King of Scots 1249 -1286
Regesta Regum Scottorum Vol 4 Part 1

Sociology 3e / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
A Canadian Perspective

Electronic Structure Methods for Complex Materials
The orthogonalized linear combination of atomic orbitals

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies
Breakthroughs: EAP Program B
Breakthroughs: EAP Bridge Program B
Breakthroughs: EAP Program A
Breakthroughs: EAP Bridge Program A

Crime in Canada (Kobo)

Maple Leaf Empire (Kobo)
Canada, Britain, and Two World Wars

A History of Canadian Culture (Kobo)

Problem Gambling in Canada (Kobo)

Deleuze and the Cinemas of Performance
Powers of Affection

Paradigms Lost
Fighting Stigma and the Lessons Learned

Communi-Quete: 3 Un Avenir a Decouvrir

A Concise Introduction to World Religions/Making Sense in Religious Studies Pack

Canadian Criminal Justice Policy
Contemporary Perspectives

Canadian Women and the Struggle for Equality

Felix Guattari in the Age of Semiocapitalism
Deleuze Studies Volume 6, Issue 2

Human Geography with Companion DVD 7e / Making Sense in Geography 5e Pack

Discursive Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice

Oil and Gas in Federal Systems

A Guide to Research, Intervention, and Prevention