MIT Press
Books from this publisher
Narrating the Globe
The Emergence of World Histories of Architecture
Our Ancient Lakes
A Natural History
Automata Theory
An Algorithmic Approach
Her Space, Her Time
How Trailblazing Women Scientists Decoded the Hidden Universe
We, the Data
Human Rights in the Digital Age
Defending Animals
Finding Hope on the Front Lines of Animal Protection
The Stuff Games Are Made Of
Selling the American People
Advertising, Optimization, and the Origins of Adtech
Algorithmic Rights and Protections for Children
Facing Black Star
How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability
Regression Modeling for Linguistic Data
Distributional Reinforcement Learning
Art + DIY Electronics
Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, fourth edition
The Science-Music Borderlands
Reckoning with the Past and Imagining the Future
Proof of Work
Blockchain Provocations 20112021
Waiting to Inhale
Cannabis Legalization and the Fight for Racial Justice
All the King’s Horses
Vitruvius in an Age of Princes
Aesthetics of the Capitalocene
Creative Hustling
Women Making and Distributing Films from Nairobi
Invention and Innovation
A Brief History of Hype and Failure
Decolonizing Design
A Cultural Justice Guidebook
The Smartness Mandate
Copyright's Broken Promise
How to Restore the Law's Ability to Promote the Progress of Science
Consequences of Language
From Primary to Enhanced Intersubjectivity
Art for Coexistence
Unlearning the Way We See Migration
Collective Wisdom
Co-Creating Media for Equity and Justice
Ethics in Everyday Places
Mapping Moral Stress, Distress, and Injury
Seed Activism
Patent Politics and Litigation in the Global South
Uncommon Sense
Aesthetics after Marcuse