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Political Science Nationalism

The Unimagined Canadian Capital

Challenges for the Federal Capital Region

edited by Rupak Chattopadhyay & Gilles Paquet

contributions by Meyer Burstein, Éric Champagne, Almos Tassonyi, Caroline Andrew, Guy Chiasson, Andrew Sancton, David L.A. Gordon, André Juneau & Anne Gilbert

Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Aug 2022
Nationalism, City Planning & Urban Development, History & Theory
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    Publish Date
    Aug 2022
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    Publish Date
    Aug 2022
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Too many stakeholders have neglected their duty of imagining an aspiring federal capital region for Canada. Under the auspices of the Forum of Federations, a number of persons interested in the fate of Canada’s federal capital region came together to examine the challenges facing the region and to put forward suggestions to deal with them.
In this report on the brainstorming exercise conducted in January 2011, professionals, academics, and elected officials take stock of the vast array of assets on which the federal capital region can build; probe the many sources of failures in coping as effectively and creatively as one would expect with the diversity, trans-border, financial, and governance challenges; and make suggestions to ensure that the federal capital region does not remain “unimagined” in the future.

About the authors

Rupak Chattopadhyay is Vice President, Forum of Federations.

Rupak Chattopadhyay's profile page

Gilles Paquet (1936–2019), O.C., MRSC, was Professor Emeritus at the Telfer School of Management and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Royal Society of Arts of London, and served as President of the Royal Society of Canada (2003–2005). He studied at Laval, Queen's (Canada) and at the University of California (Los Angeles) where he was Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics. He taught at Carleton University for almost 20 years before joining the University of Ottawa in 1981. He received honorary doctorates from Queen's, Laval, and Thompson Rivers University, received the Public Service Citation Award of APEX, and was made Honorary Member of l'Association des économistes québécois. He was made Member of the Order of Canada in 1992.

Gilles Paquet's profile page

Meyer Burstein's profile page

Eric Champagne is an associate professor of public administration at the School of Political Studies and the Director of the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa.

Éric Champagne's profile page

Almos Tassonyi's profile page

Caroline Andrew is professor at the School of Political Studies and director of the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa. She co-edited Accounting for Culture: Thinking Through Cultural Citizenship (University of Ottawa Press, 2005).

Caroline Andrew's profile page

Guy Chiasson's profile page

Andrew Sancton is professor of political science and director of the Local Government Program at the University of Western Ontario.

Andrew Sancton's profile page

David L.A. Gordon is professor in the School of Urban and Regional Planning and Department of Geography and Planning at Queen’s University.

David L.A. Gordon's profile page

André Juneau is a fellow and former director of the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at Queen’s University.

André Juneau's profile page

Anne Gilbert est professeure titulaire au Département de géographie de l’Université d’Ottawa ; elle est aussi directrice du Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française. En 2013, elle a reçu l’Ordre des francophones d’Amérique en reconnaissance de son dévouement pour le maintien et l’épanouissement de la langue française en Amérique du Nord.

Anne Gilbert's profile page

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