Browse Books in Women's Studies

Motherhood and Single-Lone Parenting
A Twenty-First Century Perspective

Living on the Land
Indigenous Women’s Understanding of Place

Shelter in a Storm
Revitalizing Feminism in Neoliberal Ontario

Politicized Microfinance
Money, Power, and Violence in the Black Americas

Muslim Mothering
Global Histories, Theories, and Practices

Mothers and Food
Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives

“New Maternalisms”
Tales of Motherwork (Dislodging the Unthinkable)

Notes from the Orgasmic Frontier of Female Sexuality

Female Suicide Bombings
A Critical Gender Approach

The Girl and the Game
A History of Women's Sport in Canada, Second Edition

Sister Soldiers of the Great War
The Nurses of the Canadian Army Medical Corps

Forever Loved
Exposing the Hidden Crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada

A Recognition of Being, Second Edition
Reconstructing Native Womanhood

Missing the Mark?
Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania

Revolutionary Mothering
Love on the Front Lines

Mothering in Marginalized Contexts
Narratives of Women Who Mother in and through Domestic Violence

On Mothering Multiples
Complexities and Possibilities

Sexual Politics and Postcolonial Worlds

Screening Motherhood in Contemporary World Cinema

Women, Credit, and Debt In Early Modern Scotland

Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma
A History of British Columbia’s Social Policy

Canadian Women and the Struggle for Equality

Canadian Women Shaping Diasporic Religious Identities

Solitudes of the Workplace
Women in Universities