Browse Books in Women's Studies

Gender, Generation, and Journalism in France, 1910-1940

Transforming Conversations
Feminism and Education in Canada since 1970

Keetsahnak / Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters

Gender and Women's Studies, Second Edition
Critical Terrain

Middle Grounds
Essays on Midlife Mothering

Becoming Strong
Impoverished Women and the Struggle to Overcome Violence

Becoming Strong
Impoverished Women and the Struggle to Overcome Violence

Spawning Generations
Rants and Reflections on Growing Up with LGBTQ+ Parents

Beyond the Altar
Women Religious, Patriarchal Power, and the Church

The Enchanted Life
Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday

A Survivor's Journey
From Victim to Advocate

No Choice
The 30-Year Fight for Abortion on Prince Edward Island

Breastfeeding and Culture
Discourses and Representation

Just Watch Us
RCMP Surveillance of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada

Just Watch Us
RCMP Surveillance of the Women's Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada

A Wry and Closely Observed Look at the Lives of Women and Girls

Motherhood in Precarious Times

NoNonsense Feminism
Why the World Still Needs the F-word

Everyday World-Making
Toward an Understanding of Affect and Mothering

Mothers, Military, and Society

Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership

Getting Past 'the Pimp'
Management in the Sex Industry

The Evolving Feminine Ballet Body

Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership