Browse Books in Women's Studies

Borrowed Body

Incarcerated Mothers
Oppression and Resistance

Chasing Rainbows
Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices

Birth of the Uncool

Academic Motherhood in a Post-Second Wave Context
Challenges, Strategies, and Possibilities

The Music of Leaving

Texas Girl
A Memoir

Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood Across Cultural Differences
A Reader

Laboring Positions
Black Women, Mothering and the Academy

Mother of Invention
How Our Mothers Influenced Us as Feminist Academics and Activists

On Huron's Shore

Mothering in East Asian Communities
Politics and Practices

Stay-At-Home Mothers
Dialogues and Debates

Queen of the Hurricanes
The Fearless Elsie MacGill

Women of Brave Mettle
More Stories of the Cariboo Chilcotin

French Canadians, Furs, and Indigenous Women in the Making of the Pacific Northwest

Criminalizing Women, 2nd edition
Gender and (In)Justice in Neoliberal Times

Playing it Forward
50 Years of Women and Sport in Canada

Gumboot Girls
Adventure, Love & Survival on British Columbia's North Coast

Becoming Girl
Collective Biography and the Production of Girlhood

Integral Voices on Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Critical Inquiries

A Brief History of Women in Quebec

Changing Places
Feminist Essays on Empathy and Relocation

Indigenous Women, Work, and History