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Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Coast Salish

Their Art and Culture

by (author) David Hancock & Reg Ashwell

Discourses of Denial

Mediations of Race, Gender, and Violence

by (author) Yasmin Jiwani

Mountains So Sublime

Nineteenth-Century British Travellers and the Lure of the Rocky Mountain West

by (author) Terry Abraham

Stories From the Six Worlds

by (author) Ruth Holmes Whitehead

Still at the Cottage

Or the Cabin, the Shack, the Lake, the Beach, or Camp

by (author) Charles Gordon

Art of the Totem

by (author) David Hancock & Marius Barbeau

People of the Blood

A Decade-long Photographic Journey on a Canadian Reserve

photographs by George Webber
foreword by Rick Tailfeathers

Wisdom of the Elders

Native and Scientific Ways of Knowing about Nature

by (author) Peter Knudtson & David Suzuki

Caribou Hunter

by (author) Serge Bouchard

Returning To the Teachings

Exploring Aboriginal Justice

by (author) Rupert Ross

Recognizing Aboriginal Title

The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism

by (author) Peter Russell

This Is Not a Peace Pipe

Towards a Critical Indigenous Philosophy

by (author) Dale Turner


Traditional Native American Shelter

by (author) Adolf Hungrywolf

Dancing with a Ghost

Exploring Aboriginal Reality

by (author) Rupert Ross

Pictures Bring Us Messages / Sinaakssiiksi aohtsimaahpihkookiyaawa

Photographs and Histories from the Kainai Nation

by (author) Alison Brown & Laura Peers

Coyote and Raven Go Canoeing

Coming Home to the Village

by (author) Peter Cole

First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada's Courts

by (author) Michael Lee Ross

Designing Patterns - Kit

Exploring Shapes and Area

by (author) Daniel Lynn Watt, Jerry Lipka, Joan Parker Webster, Evelyn Yanez, Dora Andre-Ihrke & Aishath Shehenaz Adam

Canadian Aboriginal Art and Spirituality

A Vital Link

by (author) John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen

The Moyer Site

A Pre-Historic Village in Waterloo County

by (author) Eduard R. Riegert, Lawrence E. Toombs & Norman E. Wagner

Conflict and Compromise in Multilingual Societies: Belgium

by (author) Kenneth McRae

Indian Tribes of the Northwest

by (author) David Hancock & Reg Ashwell

Between Justice and Certainty

Treaty Making in British Columbia

by (author) Andrew Woolford

Weaving Relationships

Canada-Guatemala Solidarity

by (author) Kathryn Anderson

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