Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Figured Worlds
Ontological Obstacles in Intercultural Relations

Paddling to Where I Stand
Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman

An Oral History of Nunavut

Looking for My Country
Finding Myself in America

Into the Blue

Saint-Laurent, Manitoba
Evolving Métis Identities, 1850-1914
Common and Contested Ground
A Human and Environmental History of the Northwestern Plains

Musqueam Reference Grammar
The Sikh Diaspora in Vancouver
Three Generations Amid Tradition, Modernity, and Multiculturalism

The Sikh Diaspora in Vancouver
Three Generations Amid Tradition, Modernity, and Multiculturalism

Toni Morrison and Motherhood
A Politics of the Heart

The Passeggiata and Popular Culture in an Italian Town
Folklore and the Performance of Modernity

Passeggiata and Popular Culture in an Italian Town
Folklore and the Performance of Modernity

Colonization and Community
The Vancouver Island Coalfield and the Making of the British Columbian Working Class

Rogue Diamonds
Northern Riches on Dene Land

Redressing the Past
The Politics of Early English-Canadian Women's Drama, 1880-1920

A Bare and Impolitic Right
Internment and Ukrainian-Canadian Redress

Bare and Impolitic Right
Internment and Ukrainian-Canadian Redress

The Queen's Bush Settlement
Black Pioneers 1839-1865

Native Peoples
The Canadian Experience

Buller Men and Batty Bwoys
Hidden Men in Toronto and Halifax Black Communities

Picking Berries - Kit
Connections Between Data Collection, Graphing, and Measuring

We Are Included!
The Métis People of Canada Realize Riel’s Vision

Whadoo tehmi / Long-ago people's packsack
Dene babiche bags: tradition and revival