Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

The New Buffalo
The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education

The Indigenous Experience
Global Perspectives

First Nations of British Columbia, Second Edition, The
An Anthropological Survey

Apostle to the Inuit
The Journals and Ethnographic Notes of Edmund James Peck - The Baffin Years, 1894-1905

Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Natural Resource Management

I Will Fear No Evil
Ojibwa-Missionary Encounters Along the Berens River, 1875-1940

I Will Fear No Evil
Ojibwa-Missionary Encounters Along the Berens River, 1875-1940

A Common Hunger
Land Rights in Canada and South Africa

The Polite Revolution
Perfecting the Canadian Dream

Trail of the Spirit
Mysteries of Medicine Power Revealed

Vikings to U-Boats
The German Experience in Newfoundland and Labrador

Glooscap Legends

Canadian Indian Cowboys in Australia
Representation, Rodeo, and the RCMP at the Royal Easter Show, 1939

Bitter Embrace
White Society's Assault on the Woodland Cree

Keeping It Living
Traditions of Plant Use and Cultivation on Northwest Coast of North America

Moose to Moccasins
The Story of Ka Kita Wa Pa No Kwe

First Nations Treaty Making in British Columbia
Voices From Next Year Country

Home Game
Hockey and Life in Canada

Protecting Aboriginal Children

The World is Our Witness
The Historic Journey of the Nisga'a into Canada

World is Our Witness
The Historic Journey of the Nisga’a into Canada

We-gyet Wanders On
Legends of the Northwest

Unsettling Encounters
First Nations Imagery in the Art of Emily Carr