Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

The Red Man's on the Warpath
The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War

Yeenoo dài' k'è'tr'ijilkai' ganagwaandaii / Long ago sewing we will remember
The story of the Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project

Comment se pensent le Nous et le Moi dans l'espace mythique des nomades septentrionaux sekani

Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material
National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization

Fighting Firewater Fictions
Moving Beyond the Disease Model of Alcoholism in First Nations

Revenge of the Windigo
The Construction of the Mind and Mental Health of North American Aboriginal Peoples

Joe from Winnipeg
All My Best

A Sporting Chance
Achievements of African-Canadian Athletes

Archaeology on the Edge
New Perspectives from the Northern Plains

Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men
A Study of Type and Secondary Character in Galdós's Social Novels, 1870-1897

The Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men
A Study of Type and Secondary Character in Galdós's Social Novels, 1870-1897

Living Rhythms
Lessons in Aboriginal Economic Resilience and Vision

History of the Liverpool Privateers and Letters of Marque with an Account of the Liverpool Slave Trade, 1744-1812

Finding My Talk
How Fourteen Canadian Native Women Reclaimed their Lives after Residential School

Multiculturalism and Immigration in Canada
An Introductory Reader

Exiles and Islanders
The Irish Settlers of Prince Edward Island

First Peoples in Canada

Aboriginal Policy Research
Setting the Agenda for Change

Aboriginal Conditions
Research As a Foundation for Public Policy

“Real” Indians and Others
Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood

Blackfoot Ways of Knowing
The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi

Sisters or Strangers?
Immigrant, Ethnic, and Racialized Women in Canadian History, Second Edition

Timbit Nation
A Hitchhiker's View of Canada

Faces of the North
The Ethnographic Photography of John Honigmann