Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Spirit Quest
The Initiation of an Indian Boy

The Contemporary Study of the Arab World

A concise Nuxalk-English dictionary

Phonology, morphology, and classified word list for the Samish dialect of Straits Salish

Power and performance in Gros Ventre war expedition songs

Judgement at Stoney Creek

The Revenge of Annie Charlie

Issue Is 'Ism, The
Women of Colour Speak Out
Prison of Grass
Canada from a Native Point of View

Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility
Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles

Guide to Indigenous Quillworking

Their Arts and Crafts

Chiefs of the Sea and Sky
Haida Heritage Sites of the Queen Charlotte Islands

The Modern North
People, Politics and the Rejection of Colonialism

The Curtain Within
Haida Social and Mythical Discourse
Assu of Cape Mudge
Recollections of a Coastal Indian Chief

Profiles of People in the Northwest Territories

Acaoohkiwina and Acimowina
Traditional narratives of the Rock Cree Indians
The Challenge of Class Analysis

Challenge of Class Analysis

Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885

Public Violence in Canada, 1867-1982

Resistance and Renewal
Surviving the Indian Residential School