Browse Books in Ethnic Studies
Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian
Small Shoes for Feet Too Large
The Early Years of Native American Art History
The Politics of Scholarship and Collecting
Contact and Conflict
Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)
Our Chiefs and Elders
Words and Photographs of Native Leaders
A Little Rebellion
Coming Home to Powell Street
It's a Working Man's Town
Male Working-Class Culture
Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories
Breaking Bread
Insurgent Black Intellectual Life
The Queen's People
A Study of Hegemony, Coercion, and Accommodation among the Okanagan of Canada
NESA Activities Handbook for Native and Multicultural Classrooms, Volume 2
People's Land
Inuits, Whites and the Eastern Arctic
Sweet Promises
A Reader on Indian-White Relations in Canada
Small Town in Modern Times
Alexandria, Ontario
Government & Politics of the Alberta Metis Settlements, The
The Ojibwa of Southern Ontario
Aboriginal Resource Use in Canada
Historical and Legal Aspects
The Cultural Maze
Complex Questions on Native Destiny in Western Canada
Objects of Myth and Memory
American Indian Art at the Brooklyn Museum
What is the Indian "Problem?"
Tutelage and Resistance in Canadian Indian Administration
In Celebration of Our Survival
The First Nations of British Columbia
The Gulf Within
Canadian Arabs, Racism and the Gulf War
Ethnic Groups and Marital Choices
Ethnic History and Marital Assimilation, in Canada 1871 and 1971
Power Quest
The Journey into Manhood