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Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Conscience et enquête

L'ethnologie des réalités canadiennes

edited by Marc-Adélard Tremblay

Ojibwa lexicon

edited by G.L. Piggot & A. Grafstein

The Cree Language is Our Identity

the La Ronge lectures of Sarah Whitecalf

by (author) Sarah Whitecalf
edited by H.C. Wolfart & Freda Ahenakew

A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English

by (author) Edith Fowke & Carole Henderson-Carpenter

A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English

by (author) Edith Fowke & Carole Henderson-Carpenter

To America with the Doukabours

by (author) L.A. Sulerzhitsky
translated by Michael Kalmakoff

Holding the Line

Ethnic Boundaries in a Northern Labrador Community

by (author) John Charles Kennedy

River of Tears

by (author) Maud Emery

Oowekeeno oral traditions as told by the Late Chief Simon Walkus, Sr.

as told by Simon Walkus
edited by Susan Hilton & John C. Rath
translated by Evelyn Walker Windsor

Musical traditions of the Labrador coast Inuit

by (author) Maija M. Lutz

Music of the Netsilik Eskimo: Volume 1

A study of stability and change

by (author) Beverley Cavanagh

Musical life of the Blood Indians

by (author) Robert Witmer

Abenaki basketry

by (author) Gaby Pelletier

Bella Coola Indian music

A study of the interaction between Northwest Coast Indian structures and their functional contex

by (author) Anton F. Kolstee

North-West River (Sheshatshit) Montagnais :a grammatical sketch

by (author) Sandra Clarke

Music of the Netsilik Eskimo: Volume 2

A study of stability and change

by (author) Beverley Cavanagh

Moose-Deer Island house people

A history of the native people of Fort Resolution

by (author) David M. Smith

A Guide to B.C. Indian Myth and Legend

by (author) Ralph Maud

Making Canadian Indian Policy

The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970

by (author) Sally M. Weaver

Aboriginal Tasmanians

Totem Poles

An Illustrated Guide

by (author) Marjorie M. Halpin

Practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a grammatical introduction: Volume 2

by (author) John C. Rath

Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut

by (author) Ronald Lowe

Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence

by (author) George W. Wenzel

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