Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Conscience et enquête
L'ethnologie des réalités canadiennes

Ojibwa lexicon

The Cree Language is Our Identity
the La Ronge lectures of Sarah Whitecalf

A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English

A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English
To America with the Doukabours

Holding the Line
Ethnic Boundaries in a Northern Labrador Community

River of Tears

Oowekeeno oral traditions as told by the Late Chief Simon Walkus, Sr.

Musical traditions of the Labrador coast Inuit

Music of the Netsilik Eskimo: Volume 1
A study of stability and change

Musical life of the Blood Indians

Abenaki basketry

Bella Coola Indian music
A study of the interaction between Northwest Coast Indian structures and their functional contex

North-West River (Sheshatshit) Montagnais :a grammatical sketch

Music of the Netsilik Eskimo: Volume 2
A study of stability and change

Moose-Deer Island house people
A history of the native people of Fort Resolution

A Guide to B.C. Indian Myth and Legend
Making Canadian Indian Policy
The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970
Aboriginal Tasmanians

Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide

Practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a grammatical introduction: Volume 2

Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut