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Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Three stories in Oneida

edited by Karin Michelson
edited and translated by Georgina Nicholas

Sources for the ethnography of northeastern North America to 1611

by (author) David B. Quinn

Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the sixth annual congress, 1979

edited by Marie-Françoise Guédon & D.G. Hatt

Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women

An ethnohistorical analysis

by (author) Ellice Becker Gonzalez

Practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a grammatical introduction: Volume 1

by (author) John C. Rath

Identity of the Saint Francis Indians

by (author) Gordon M. Day

Window on the past

The photographic ethnohistory of the Northern and Kaigani Haida

by (author) Margaret Berlin Blackman

Ethnic Organizational Dynamics

The Polish Group in Canada

by (author) Henry Radecki

Alaska No.9 - John - Honea

John Honea - A Biography - Ruby

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.8 - Huslia - Simon

Edwin Simon - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.4 - Evansville - Tobuk

Frank Tobuk - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.5 - Hughes - J.Beetus

Joe Beetus - A Biography - Hughes

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.2 - Alatna - Nictune

Oscar Nictune Sr. - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.6 - Koyukuk - Solomon

Madeline Solomon - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.3 - Hughes - H.Beatus

Henry Beatus Sr. - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.7 - Koyukuk - Dayton

Roger Dayton - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.1 - Allakaket - Henzie

Moses Henzie - A Biography

by (author) Allakaket


Art of the Haida

by (author) Leslie Drew & Doug Wilson

Strangers in Blood

Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country

by (author) Jennifer S.H. Brown

Trappers of Patuanak

Toward a spatial ecology of modern hunters

by (author) Robert Jarvenpa

North Wakashan comparative root list

edited by Neville J. Lincoln
by (author) John C. Rath

Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the fifth annual congress, 1978

edited by Joan Ryan

Canoe construction in a Cree cultural tradition

by (author) James Garth Taylor

Persistent ceremonialism: the Plains Cree and Saulteaux

by (author) Koozma J. Tarasoff

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