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Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

American Indian Pottery

by (photographer) Sharon Wirt

Hunters of the Buffalo

Hunting and Fishing Methods of North American Natives

by (author) R. Stephen Irwin

Hunters of the Northern Forest

by (author) Stephen Irwin

Hunters of the Eastern Forest

by (author) Stephen Irwin

Hunters of the Sea

by (author) Stephen Irwin

Hunters of the Ice

by (author) Stephen Irwin


by (author) Joan Weir

Edward Sapir's correspondence

An alphabetical and chronological inventory, 1910-1925

edited by Louise Dallaire

Micmac lexicon

by (author) Albert D. DeBlois & Alphonse Metallic

Canadian Inuit literature

The development of a tradition

by (author) Robin McGrath

Bella Coola language

by (author) H.F. Nater

The Community Apart

A Case Study of a Canadian Indian Reserve Community

by (author) Yngve Georg Lithman

Thesis and dissertation titles and abstracts on the anthropology of Canadian Indians, Inuit and Metis from Canadian universities

Report 1, 1970-1982

by (author) René R. Gadacz & Michael I. Asch

Coast Salish gambling games

by (author) Lynn Maranda

Bear Lake Athapaskan kinship and task group formation

by (author) Scott Rushforth

Blackfoot Crafworker's book

by (author) Adolf Hungry Wolf & Beverly Hungry Wolf

Indian Weaving Knitting Basketry of the Northwest

by (author) Elizabeth Hawkins


Haida World Heritage Site

by (author) George F. MacDonald

Native Children and the Child Welfare System

by (author) Patrick Johnston


by (author) Maria Campbell

As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows

A Reader in Canadian Native Studies

by (author) Ian L. Getty
edited by Antoine S. Lussier

Ethnohistoric study of eastern James Bay Cree social organization, 1700-1850

edited by Toby Morantz

Consciousness and inquiry

Ethnology and Canadian realities

edited by Frank Manning

Stolen women

Female journeys in Tagish and Tutchone

by (author) Julie Cruikshank

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