Browse Books in Emigration & Immigration

Anywhere but Here

Minarets on the Horizon
Muslim Pioneers in Canada

Reading the Diaries of Henry Trent
The Everyday Life of a Canadian Englishman, 1842-1898

Being German Canadian
History, Memory, Generations

With Your Words in My Hands
The Letters of Antonietta Petris and Loris Palma

Citizens without Borders
Yugoslavia and Its Migrant Workers in Western Europe

Portrait of an English Migration
North Yorkshire People in North America

Send Them Here
Religion, Politics, and Refugee Resettlement in North America

The Invisible Community
Being South Asian in Quebec

Stories of Migration by Women from Around the World

Peace by Chocolate
The Hadhad Family’s Remarkable Journey from Syria to Canada

North of El Norte
Illegalized Mexican Migrants in Canada

Quai 21
Une histoire

Pier 21
A History

This Red Line Goes Straight to Your Heart
A Memoir in Halves

Rough and Plenty
A Memorial

Disrupting Deportability
Transnational Workers Organize

Crossing Law’s Border
Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program

Reconciliation in Practice
A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Angry Queer Somali Boy
A Complicated Memoir

What the Oceans Remember
Searching for Belonging and Home

Mobilizing Global Knowledge
Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement

Maximum Canada
Toward a Country of 100 Million

Unmooring the Komagata Maru
Charting Colonial Trajectories