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Browse Books in Emigration & Immigration

Diverse Nations, Diverse Responses

Approaches to Social Cohesion in Immigrant Societies

edited by Paul Spoonley
by (author) Erin Tolley

Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity

Japanese, Ukrainians, and Scots, 1919-1971

by (author) Aya Fujiwara

The Punjabis in British Columbia

Location, Labour, First Nations, and Multiculturalism

by (author) Kamala Elizabeth Nayar

Imperial Immigrants

The Scottish Settlers in the Upper Ottawa Valley, 1815–1840

by (author) Michael E. Vance

Imperial Immigrants

Scottish Settlers in the Upper Ottawa Valley, 1815–1840

by (author) Michael E. Vance

Clerks of the Passage

by (author) Abou Farman

Seeking a Better Future

The English Pioneers of Ontario and Quebec

by (author) Lucille H. Campey

From Manila to Manitoba

Winnipeg's Filipino Health Professionals (c. 1950-1970)

by (author) Darlyne Bautista

Rethinking the Great White North

Race, Nature, and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada

edited by Andrew Baldwin, Laura Cameron & Audrey Kobayashi

International Perspectives

Integration and Inclusion

edited by James Frideres
by (author) John Biles


White Canada and the Komagata Maru -- An Illustrated History

by (author) Ali Kazimi

Becoming Multicultural

Immigration and the Politics of Membership in Canada and Germany

by (author) Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos

Getting Used to the Quiet

Immigrant Adolescents' Journey to Belonging in New Brunswick, Canada

by (author) Stacey Wilson-Forsberg

Trust, Democracy, and Multicultural Challenges

by (author) Patti Tamara Lenard

Different Gods

Integrating Non-Christian Minorities into a Primarily Christian Society

by (author) Raymond Breton

International Migration in Uncertain Times

edited by John Nieuwenhuysen
by (author) Howard Duncan & Stine Neerup

Immigration and Settlement

Challenges, Experiences, and Opportunities

edited by Harald Bauder

Engendering Migrant Health

Canadian Perspectives

by (author) Denise L. Spitzer

Jewels of the Qila

The Remarkable Story of an Indo-Canadian Family

by (author) Hugh J.M. Johnston

Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada

edited by Vic Satzewich & Lloyd Wong

The Chinese in Vancouver, 1945-80

The Pursuit of Identity and Power

by (author) Wing Chung Ng

The Oriental Question

Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

by (author) Patricia E. Roy

The Triumph of Citizenship

The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

by (author) Patricia E. Roy


Riding the Edge of America

by (author) Derek Lundy

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