Browse Books in Emigration & Immigration

British Emigration to British North America
The First Hundred Years (Revised and Enlarged Edition)

Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society

A Displaced Nation
The 1954 Evacuation and Its Political Impact on the Vietnam Wars

Geographies of the Heart
Stories from Newcomers to Canada

Forced Migration in/to Canada
From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement

Friendless or Forsaken?
Child Emigration from Britain to Canada, 1860–1935

Black Cake, Turtle Soup, and Other Dilemmas

Trafficking Harms
Critical Politics, Perspectives and Experiences

The Walls Have Eyes
Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Gouverner les migrations pour perpétuer la mondialisation
Gestion migratoire et Organisation internationale pour les migrations

Seeking Asylum
Building a Shareable World

Ghost Citizens
Decolonial Apparitions of Stateless, Foreign and Wayward Figures in Law

Governing the Displaced
Race and Ambivalence in Global Capitalism

Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here
The Paradox of Protection in Canada

The Edwin Fox
How an Ordinary Sailing Ship Connected the World in the Age of Globalization, 1850-1914

New World Dreams
Canadian Pacific Railway and the Golden Northwest

Finding American
Stories of Immigration from All 50 States

The Mosaic Myth
The Social Integration of Newcomers to Canada

Essential Work, Disposable Workers
Migration, Capitalism and Class

Alliance and Conflict
The World System of the Iñupiaq Eskimos

Who Gets In
An Immigration Story

Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies
Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity

Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change
Expressions of Inequity in Southern Alberta