Browse Books in Emigration & Immigration

Cleaning Up
Portuguese Women's Fight for Labour Rights in Toronto

Harvesting Freedom
The Life of a Migrant Worker in Canada


An Immigrant's Voyage into Prince Edward Island Life

Forging Diasporic Citizenship
Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer

Art for Coexistence
Unlearning the Way We See Migration

Containing Diversity
Canada and the Politics of Immigration in the 21st Century

Nothing But the Truth
A Memoir

An Irish Heart
How A Small Immigrant Community Shaped Canada

Tales from the Homestead
A History of Prairie Pioneers, 1867–1914

Screening Out
HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience

Documenting Displacement
Questioning Methodological Boundaries in Forced Migration Research

Finding Safe Harbour
Supporting Integration of Refugee Youth

The Urbanization of Forced Displacement
UNHCR, Urban Refugees, and the Dynamics of Policy Change

Making Middle-Class Multiculturalism
Immigration Bureaucrats and Policymaking in Postwar Canada

Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced
Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada

Mass Capture
Chinese Head Tax and the Making of Non-citizens

Why We Go Back to Where We Come From

Indentured Servitude
Unfree Labour and Citizenship in the British Colonies

Refugee States
Critical Refugee Studies in Canada

Say Please and Thank You & Stand in Line
One man's story of what makes Canada special, and how to keep it that way

From Thistles to Cowpies
Armed with little more than hope and lots of grit, still the homesteaders came

The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers

No Longer Strangers
Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities