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Browse Books in Anthropology

The Tales that Bind

A Narrative Model for Living and Helping in Rural Communities

by (author) William Lowell Randall, Rosemary Clews & Dolores Furlong

Ce que la rivière nous procurait

Archéologie et histoire du réservoir de l’Eastmain-1

edited by Pierre Bibeau, David Denton & André Burroughs

The Moral Economy of Cities

Shaping Good Citizens

by (author) Evelyn S. Ruppert

The Land of Weddings and Rain

Nation and Modernity in Post-Socialist Lithuania

by (author) Gediminas Lankauskas

Trojan-Horse Aid

Seeds of Resistance and Resilience in the Bolivian Highlands and Beyond

by (author) Susan Walsh

Anthropologists and Their Traditions across National Borders

edited by Regna Darnell & Frederic W. Gleach

The Pleasure of the Crown ebook

Anthropology, Law and First Nations

by (author) Dara Culhane

The Agon of Interpretations

Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics

by (author) Ming Xie

Spirits of the Rockies

Reasserting an Indigenous Presence in Banff National Park

by (author) Courtney W. Mason

Culturing Bioscience

A Case Study in the Anthropology of Science

by (author) Udo Krautwurst

A Guide to B.C. Indian Myth and Legend e-book

by (author) Ralph Maud

Introducing Archaeology, Second Edition

by (author) Robert J. Muckle

Afghanistan Remembers

Gendered Narrations of Violence and Culinary Practices

by (author) Parin Dossa

Inuit Kinship and Naming Customs in Baffin Region

edited by Leah Otak & Peesee Pitsiulak-Stevens
translated by Louis Tapardjuk


Exploration d’un champ conceptuel

edited by Pascal Gin, Nicolas Goyer & Walter Moser

Petun to Wyandot

The Ontario Petun from the Sixteenth Century

by (author) Charles Garrad
edited by Jean-Luc Pilon & William Fox

The Force of Family

Repatriation, Kinship, and Memory on Haida Gwaii

by (author) Cara Krmpotich

Europe in Its Own Eyes, Europe in the Eyes of the Other

edited by David B. MacDonald & Mary-Michelle DeCoste

First Nations, Museums, Narrations

Stories of the 1929 Franklin Motor Expedition to the Canadian Prairies

by (author) Alison K. Brown

The Franz Boas Enigma

Inuit, Arctic, and Sciences

by (author) Ludger Muller-Wille

Becoming Inummarik

Men's Lives in an Inuit Community

by (author) Peter Collings

End-of-Earth People

The Arctic Sahtu Dene

by (author) Bern Will Brown

Old Man’s Playing Ground

Gaming and Trade on the Plains/Plateau Frontier

by (author) Gabriel M. Yanicki

Du coq à l’âme

L’art populaire au Québec

by (author) Jean-François Blanchette

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