Browse Books in World

Constitutional Amendment in Canada

The Harper Era in Canadian Foreign Policy
Parliament, Politics, and Canada’s Global Posture

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 1961

Edward Blake, Irish Nationalist
A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics 1892-1907

The Government of Nova Scotia

Canada and the Far East, 1940-1953

The Political Process in Canada
Essays in Honour of R. MacGregor Dawson

Neoliberal Governance and Health
Duties, Risks, and Vulnerabilities

Helping Ourselves by Helping Each Other
The Life Story of William Lyall

A World to Win
Contemporary Social Movements and Counter-Hegemony

O.D. Skelton
A Portrait of Canadian Ambition

Canadian Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
The Innovation Economy and Society Nexus

God's Province
Evangelical Christianity, Political Thought, and Conservatism in Alberta

Understanding the Manitoba Election 2016
Campaigns, Participation, Issues, Place

Government-Nonprofit Relations in Times of Recession

Canada: The State of the Federation 2013
Aboriginal Multilevel Governance

The Call of the World
A Political Memoir

My Journey into the Heart of Terror
Ten Days in the Islamic State

Baffin Island
Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67

Canada: The State of the Federation, 2013
Aboriginal Multilevel Governance

Principles and Gerrymanders
Parliamentary Redistribution of Ridings in Ontario, 1840-1954

Human Rights
Current Issues and Controversies

The Changing Voice of the Anti-Abortion Movement
The Rise of "Pro-Woman" Rhetoric in Canada and the United States

Income Inequality
The Canadian Story