Browse Books in World

Canadian Public Sector Financial Management
Second Edition

Minority Nations in the Age of Uncertainty
New Paths to National Emancipation and Empowerment

My Havana
The Musical City of Carlos Varela

Government of Development
Peasants and Politicians in Postcolonial Tanzania

My Havana
The Musical City of Carlos Varela

Joining Empire
The Political Economy of the New Canadian Foreign Policy

Orchestrating Austerity
Impacts and Resistance

Comparing Canada
Methods and Perspectives on Canadian Politics

How Stephen Harper and his think tank colleagues have transformed Canada

Freshwater Politics in Canada

The Independence of South Sudan
The Role of Mass Media in the Responsibility to Prevent

The Multiculturalism and Religious Identity
Canada and India

The Language of the Inuit
Syntax, Semantics, and Society in the Arctic

Employment Equity in Canada
The Legacy of the Abella Report

How We Lead
Canada in a Century of Change

Fishing for a Solution
Canada’s Fisheries Relations with the European Union, 1977-2013

Brave New Canada
Meeting the Challenge of a Changing World

Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up
Perceptions and Performance

14 Days
Making the Conservative Movement in Canada

Canadian Politics, Sixth Edition

Our Scandalous Senate

The Rise of the New West
The History of a Region in Confederation

Bad Time Stories
Government-Union Conflicts and the Rhetoric of Legitimation Strategies

Learning to School
Federalism and Public Schooling in Canada