Browse Books in World

Enter the Dragon
China in the International Financial System

Mutual Security in the Asia-Pacific
Roles for Australia, Canada and South Korea

The Dragon's Footprints
China in the Global Economic Governance System under the G20 Framework

Minding the Gap
African Conflict Management in a Time of Change

Elusive Pursuits
Lessons From Canada’s Interventions Abroad

Crisis and Reform
Canada and the International Financial System

Canada-Africa Relations
Looking Back, Looking Ahead

East Asia-Arctic Relations
Boundary, Security and International Politics

Building a Collaborative Advantage
Network Governance and Homelessness Policy-Making in Canada

Stephen Harper

Is This Who We Are?
14 Questions about Québec

Northern Lights
Exploring Canada’s Think Tank Landscape

Northern Lights
Exploring Canada's Think Tank Landscape

Welcome to Greater Edendale
Histories of Environment, Health, and Gender in an African City

Truth and Lies on Parliament Hill

Thinking Government
Public Administration and Politics in Canada, Fourth Edition

The Rise to Power of Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The Frontier of Patriotism
Alberta and the First World War

Women and Power
The Case for Parity

An Undisciplined Economist
Robert G. Evans on Health Economics, Health Care Policy, and Population Health

Canadian Parties in Transition, Fourth Edition

The Capacity To Judge
Public Opinion and Deliberative Democracy in Upper Canada,1791-1854

The Capacity To Judge
Public Opinion and Deliberative Democracy in Upper Canada,1791-1854

The Judicial Committee and the British North America Act
An Analysis of the Interpretative Scheme for the Distribution of Legislative Powers