Browse Books in World

At the Centre of Government
The Prime Minister and the Limits on Political Power

The National Question and Electoral Politics in Quebec and Scotland

Indigenous Nationals, Canadian Citizens
From First Contact to Canada 150 and Beyond

A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda
Policy, Governance, and Strategy

White Gloves Off
The Work of the Ontario Committee on the Status of Women

For The Record

Contemporary Inequalities and Social Justice in Canada

John A. MacDonald
The Young Politician, The Old Chieftain

Master of Persuasion
Brian Mulroney's Global Legacy

Complexity's Embrace
The International Law Implications of Brexit

European Union Governance and Policy Making
A Canadian Perspective

The Paraguayan War
Causes and Early Conduct, 2nd Edition

Inside Politics

Report on Social Security for Canada
New Edition

A Matter of Confidence
The Inside Story of the Political Battle for BC

Lived Fictions
Unity and Exclusion in Canadian Politics

Celebrating Canada
Commemorations, Anniversaries, and National Symbols

Other Diplomacies, Other Ties
Cuba and Canada in the Shadow of the US

Hegel and Canada
Unity of Opposites?

Costly Fix
Power, Politics, and Nature in the Tar Sands

Uneasy Partnership
The Politics of Business and Government in Canada, Second Edition

China's Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada

China's Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada

Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership