Browse Books in World

Representation in Action
Canadian MPs in the Constituencies

Breaking News?
Politics, Journalism, and Infotainment on Quebec Television

Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership

Tug of War
Negotiating Security in Eurasia

A Civil Society?
Collective Actors in Canadian Political Life, Second Edition

The Limits of Trust
The Millennium Development Goals, Maternal Health, and Health Policy in Mexico

Restructuring the European State
European Integration and State Reform

The Road to Armageddon
Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-70

A Healthy Society, Updated and Expanded Edition
How a Focus on Health Can Revive Canadian Democracy

Give and Take
The Citizen-Taxpayer and the Rise of Canadian Democracy

The Campbell Revolution?
Power, Politics, and Policy in British Columbia

Roads to Confederation
The Making of Canada, 1867, Volume 1

The Effective Citizen
How to Make Politicians Work for You

Resilience and Contagion
Invoking Human Rights in African HIV Advocacy

The Politics of War
Canada’s Afghanistan Mission, 2001–14

The Mighty Hughes
From Prairie Lawyer to Western Canada’s Moral Compass

The Mighty Hughes
From Prairie Lawyer to Western Canada's Moral Compass

Roads to Confederation
The Making of Canada, 1867, Volume 2

Oil's Deep State
How the petroleum industry undermines democracy and stops action on global warming - in Alberta, and in Ottawa

The Reconciliation Manifesto
Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy

Trudeau’s World
Insiders Reflect on Foreign Policy, Trade, and Defence, 1968-84

Mothers and Others
The Role of Parenthood in Politics

The Worst and Best of the Premiers and Some We Never Had
A Political Report Card

Develop or Perish
A Pictorial Record of J.R. Smallwood’s New Industries