Browse Books in General

On Western Terrorism

Political Responsibility Refocused
Thinking Justice after Iris Marion Young

Water without Borders?
Canada, the United States, and Shared Waters

Action and Reaction in the World System
The Dynamics of Economic and Political Power

Empire's Ally
Canada and the War in Afghanistan

Cuba and Its Neighbours
Democracy in Motion

Canada Looks South
In Search of an Americas Policy

Slouching Towards Sirte
NATO's War on Libya and Africa

A Season In Hell

Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith
Religion in American War and Diplomacy

Made in Madagascar
Sapphires, Ecotourism, and the Global Bazaar

The Uncertain Business of Doing Good
Outsiders in Africa

Struggling for Effectiveness
CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid

The Devil's Curve
A Journey into Power and Profit at the Amazon's Edge

Why Canada Cares
Human Rights and Foreign Policy in Theory and Practice

Raids to Regulations
The Continuing Struggle to Disrupt Illicit Hawala Channels

Pirates Of Somalia

Doing the Continental Teachers' Guide
Dundurn Teachers' Guide

Building Sustainable Peace

Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai
Canada’s Early Relations with China, 1858-1952

International Trade Law and Domestic Policy
Canada, the United States, and the WTO

So Near Yet So Far
The Public and Hidden Worlds of Canada–US Relations

Two Mediterranean Worlds
Diverging Paths of Globalization and Autonomy

Canada Among Nations, 2011-2012
Canada and Mexico's Unfinished Agenda