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Browse Books in International Relations

Openings and Closures: Socialist Strategy at a Crossroads

The Socialist Register 2025

edited by Greg Albo & Stephen Maher

The Witenagemot in the Reign of Edward the Confessor

by (author) Tryggvi J. Oleson

Canada and Imperialism 1896-1899

edited by Norman Penlington

The Canadian Grain Trade 1931-1951

by (author) Duncan MacGibbon

The Arctic Frontier

edited by Ronald MacDonald

Trade Liberalizaton and the Canadian Furniture Industry

by (author) David Bond & Ronald Wonnacott

The Canadian Diplomat

by (author) Marcel Cadieux
translated by Archibald Day

The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development

Eight Essays on Trade and Tariff When Factors Move with Special Reference to Canadian Protectionism, 1870-1955

by (author) J.H. Dales

Canadian Economic Policy and the Impact of International Capital Flows

by (author) Richard Caves & Grant Reuber

Hidden Politics in the UN Sustainable Development Goals

by (author) Adam Sneyd
foreword by James Schneider

History Has Made Us Friends

Reassessing the Special Relationship between Canada and the United States

edited by Donald E. Abelson & Stephen Brooks

Building a Special Relationship

Canada-US Relations in the Eisenhower Era, 1953–61

by (author) Asa McKercher & Michael D. Stevenson


A Global History of Mass Confinement

by (author) Aidan Forth

The Afterworld

Long COVID and International Relations

edited by Frédéric Mérand & Jennifer Welsh
contributions by Anthony Amicelle, Valérie Amiraux, Vincent Arel-Bundock, Ari Van Assche, Daniel Béland, Karim Benyekhlef, Mark R. Brawley, Dominique Caouette, Allison Christians, Ryoa Chung, François Crépeau, Pierre-Marie David, Magdalena Dembińska, Peter Dietsch, Thomas Druetz, Pearl Eliadis, Philippe Fournier, François Furstenberg, Pablo Gilabert, Timothy Hodges, Maya Jegen, Juliet Johnson, Nicholas King, Erick Lachapelle, Justin Leroux, Pierre Martin, Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé, María Martín de Almagro Iniesta, Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Theodore McLauchlin, Frédéric Mégret, Cynthia Milton, Laurence Monnais, Christian Novak, Mireille Paquet, T.V. Paul, Krzysztof Pelc, Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Vincent Pouliot, René Provost, Lee Seymour, Thomas Soehl, Maïka Sondarjee, Samuel Tanner, Jean-Philippe Thérien, Hamish van der Ven, Luna Vives, Marie-Joëlle Zahar & Alain Gagnon

Stalin's Failed Alliance

The Struggle for Collective Security, 1936-1939

by (author) Michael Jabara Carley

Nostalgic Virility as a Cause of War

How Leaders of Great Powers Cope with Status Decline

by (author) Matthieu Grandpierron

Cold War 2.0

Artificial Intelligence in the New Battle between China, Russia, and America

by (author) George S. Takach

Canada's Long Fight Against Democracy

by (author) Yves Engler & Owen Schalk

Identity, Diplomacy and Design

A Study of Canada’s Embassies in the Age of Reconciliation

by (author) David Fortin

Children, Childhoods, and Global Politics

contributions by Patrícia Nabuco Martuscelli, Caitlin Mollica, Ana Alonso Soriano, Dustin Johnson, Anna Holzscheiter, Laura Pantzerhielm, Jonathan Josefsson, Vanessa Bramwell, Alebachew Kemisso, Jennifer Riggan, Lesley Pruitt, Antje Missbach, Robyn Linde, Sean Carter, Tara Woodyer, Lindsay Robinson, Timea Spitka, Kristina Hook, Iuliia Hoban, Bennett Collins & Ali Watson
edited by J. Marshall Beier & Helen Berents

Intelligence Cooperation under Multipolarity

Non-American Perspectives

edited by Thomas Juneau, Justin Massie & Marco Munier

The Seven Nations of Canada 1660-1860

Solidarity, Vision, and Independence in the St. Lawrence Valley

by (author) Jean-Pierre Sawaya
translated by Katherine Hastings
introduction by Patricia Culliford

Nation Branding and International Politics

by (author) Christopher S. Browning

Guía De Comercio Justo

Para Construir Juntos Un Mundo Mejor

translated by Roxana Olivera & Álex Zisman
edited by Gavin Fridell, Zack Gross & Sean McHugh

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