Browse Books in Political Science

Wilfrid Laurier
A Pledge for Canada

Canadian Forest Policy
Adapting to Change

Gender and Community
Muslim Women's Rights in India

America Through Foreign Eyes
Classic Interpretations of American Political Life

Canada's Greatest Wartime Muddle
National Selective Service and the Mobilization of Human Resources during World War II

Beyond Service
State Workers, Public Policy, and the Prospects for Democratic Administration

The Making of NAFTA
How the Deal Was Done

René Lévesque and the Parti Québécois in Power

Why Canadian Unity Matters and Why Americans Care
Democratic Pluralism at Risk

The Security of Freedom
Essays on Canada's Anti-Terrorism Bill

Environmental Politics in Canada
Managing the Commons into the 21st Century
The New Right and Democracy in Canada
Understanding Reform and the Canadian Alliance

Governing the Environment
Persistent Challenges, Uncertain Innovations

Who is Afraid of the State?
Canada in a World of Multiple Centres of Power

Off the Map
Western Travels on Roads Less Taken

Exposing Privatization
Women and Health Care Reform in Canada

The Politics of Taxation in Canada

Planning Canadian Regions

The Supreme Court on Trial
Judicial Activism or Democratic Dialogue

Diplomatic Departures
The Conservative Era in Canadian Foreign Policy, 1984 - 93
Distant Voices
Canadian Politics On The Outside Looking in

The Great Depression

Canadian Nuclear Energy Policy
Changing Ideas, Institutions, and Interests