Browse Books in Political Science
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The Anxious Years
Politics In The Age Of Mulroney And Chretien

The Inside Story
A Life in Journalism

A Legacy of Caring
A History of the Children's Aid Society of Toronto

Ernest Lapointe
Mackenzie King's Great Quebec Lieutenant

Politics of Postal Transformation
Modernizing Postal Systems in the Electronic and Global World

The Politics of Postal Transformation
Modernizing Postal Systems in the Electronic and Global World

Britain, France, and the Financing of the First World War

Critical Political Studies
Debates and Dialogues from the Left
Comparaison des Regimes Federaux, Deuxième édition

Citizenship and Participation in the Information Age

Shaping Nations
Constitutionalism and Society in Australia and Canada

Sécurité humaine et nouvelle diplomatie

Water Wars
Privatization, Pollution, and Profit
Environmental Law

Market Rules
Economic Union Reform and Intergovernmental Policy-Making in Australia and Canada

Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen

The Norms of Answerability
Social Theory Between Bakhtin and Habermas

Health Policy and Federalism
A Comparative Perspective

Discovering Canada's Government
Teacher's Guide

Enclosing the Commons
Individual Transferable Quotas in the Nova Scotia Fishery

The Art of Negotiation
A Simulation for Resolving Conflict in Federal States

Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported?
Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe