Browse Books in Political Science
Judicial Power and the Charter
Canada and the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism
"Peace, Progress and Prosperity"
A Biography of Saskatchewan's First Premier, T. Walter Scott
Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World
The Political Economy of Transformation
Canada: The State of the Federation, 1999-2000
Toward a New Mission Statement for Canadian Fiscal Federation
Immigrants and the Labour Force
Policy, Regulation, and Impact
Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta
Power versus Prudence
Why Nations Forgo Nuclear Weapons
Power versus Prudence
Why Nations Forgo Nuclear Weapons
Public-Sector Labour Relations in an Era of Restraint and Restructuring
Citizenship and Immigration in Postwar Britain
The Institutional Origins of a Multicultural Nation
Jacob Burckhardt and the Crisis of Modernity
Workers' Compensation
Foundations for Reform
La Frénésie des fusions
La Frénésie des fusions
Canadian Communication Thought
Ten Foundational Writers
Engendering The State
Family, Work, and Welfare in Canada
The Search for Good Government
Understanding the Paradox of Italian Democracy
Search for Good Government
Understanding the Paradox of Italian Democracy
War and International Justice
A Kantian Perspective
How Ottawa Spends 2000-2001
Past Imperfect, Future Tense
Canada Among Nations 2000
Vanishing Borders
Chief Justice W.R. Jackett
By the Law of the Land