Browse Books in Political Science

Thought Dreams
Radical Theory for the 21st Century

Communitarian Third Way
Alexandre Marc and Ordre Nouveau, 1930-2000

The Communitarian Third Way
Alexandre Marc and Ordre Nouveau, 1930-2000

Village Politics and the Mafia in Sicily
Second Edition

Village Politics and the Mafia in Sicily

The Politics of Population
State Formation, Statistics, and the Census of Canada, 1840-1875

Regulating Eden
The Nature of Order in North American Parks

Canada: The State of the Federation 2001
Canadian Political Culture(s) in Transition

NAFTA in the New Millennium

Health Care, Entitlement, and Citizenship

Why Good Social Policy Ideas Go Bad

Nationalism from the Margins
Italians in Alberta and British Columbia

Tolerant Allies
Canada and the United States, 1963-1968
Coping with the American Superpower after 9-11

The Winona LaDuke Reader
A Collection of Essential Writings

Saviours of the Nation
Serbia's Intellectual Opposition and the Revival of Nationalism

Parallel Destinies
Canadian-American Relations West of the Rockies

Falling Into Place

A Political Biography

Canada: A People's History Volume 1

Canada: A People's History Volume 2

Apocalypse Soon?
Wagering on Warnings of Global Catastrophe

Uncle Sam and Us
Globalization, Neoconservatism, and the Canadian State

Welfare Hot Buttons
Women, Work, and Social Policy Reform