Browse Books in Political Science

Unfulfilled Union, 4th Edition
Canadian Federalism and National Unity

Canada and the New American Empire
War and Anti-War

Fate of the Nation State

The Fate of the Nation State

No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media

Secret Ingredients
The Brave New World of Industrial Farming

Canada: The State of the Federation 2002
Reconsidering the Institutions of Canadian Federalism

Confronting Fragmentation
Housing and Urban Development in a Democratising Society
The Rural Solution
Modern Catholic Voices on Going "Back to the Land"
Fighting Poverty
Labour Markets and Inequality in South Africa
Democratising Local Government
The South African Experiment

Origin Stories in Political Thought
Discourses on Gender, Power, and Citizenship

Dream No Little Dreams
A Biography of the Douglas Government of Saskatchewan, 1944-1961

Inauspicious Beginnings
Principal Powers and International Security Institutions after the Cold War, 1989-1999

Terrorism and the UN
Before and After September 11

While Canada Slept
How We Lost Our Place in the World

Changing Health Care in Canada
The Romanow Papers, Volume 2

The Romanow Papers
Volumes 1-3

The Japan That Never Was
Explaining the Rise and Decline of a Misunderstood Country

Making Public Transport Work

From Subjects to Citizens
A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada

Is the Debt War Over?
Dispatches from Canada's Fiscal Frontline

Campaigns for International Security
Canada's Defence Policy at the Turn of the Century

From Fascism to Democracy
Culture and Politics in the Italian Election of 1948