Browse Books in Political Science

Unions in the Time of Revolutions
Government Restructuring in Alberta and Ontario

The Lawmakers
Judicial Power and the Shaping of Canadian Federalism

Workplace Learning
A Critical Introduction
The Impact of Global and Regional Integration on Federal Systems

Workplace Learning
A Critical Introduction

Regionalism in a Global Society
Persistence and Change in Atlantic Canada and New England

The Citizen's Voice
Twentieth-Century Politics and Literature

Forging the Canadian Social Union
SUFA and Beyond

The Most Dangerous Branch
How the Supreme Court of Canada Has Undermined Our Law and Our Democracy

At the Global Crossroads
The Sylvia Ostry Foundation Lectures

Most Dangerous Branch
How the Supreme Court of Canada Has Undermined Our Law and Our Democracy

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs

"As Many Liars"
The Story of the 1995 Manitoba Vote-Splitting Scandal

Walking the Union Walk
Stories From the Communications, Energy, and Paperworkers Union

The Rule of the Admirals
Law, Custom, and Naval Government in Newfoundland, 1699-1832

The Oriental Question
Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

Generative Thought
An Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani

American Empire and the Fourth World
The Bowl With One Spoon, Part One

Reigns of Terror

The American Empire and the Fourth World
The Bowl With One Spoon, Part One

Juno Beach a Window On Canada in World War II
A Window on Canada in World War II

Greater Game
India's Race with Destiny and China

Educational Regimes and Anglo-American Democracy

Think Big
My Life in Politics